Legal Metrology (LMPC CERTIFICATE)
LPMC stands for Legal Metrology Packer Registration Certificate. As per the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, Sale or trade of any Packaged commodity in India warrants a Legal Metrology Registration as a Packer under the Legal Metrology Act, 2009.Legal Metrology Registration Certificate is Valid for Lifetime and there is no need for renewal.
Who needs Legal Metrology Packer Registration?
Every Person who imports packaged commodities in India.
Every Person who Imports Weighs and Measures in India.
Every Manufacturer and Seller of Packaged Commodities in India.
What are the different types of LMPC certificate?
Registration as an Importer
Registration as a Packer of Goods
Registration as a Manufacturer and Packer of Goods
Which LMPC certificate should I Apply?
A person can apply for Registration as an Importer or Packer or Manufacturer and Packer. If a person wants to register both as an Importer and Packer, separate Applications have to be filed. Sarom Business Solutions provides discounted price for Persons wanting to Register as an Importer and Packer.